Dry sifting machine

Pollen Filters

Have a look at what the new Pollen Extraction filters will look like….

Stainless Steel Pollen Extraction Filter

We are very happy with them. As you can see, the lid has no screws to put on & take off every time you wish to use it nor will you have any obstructions so you can put your hand in all the way to the base. Completely made from stainless steel, including the 180microns mesh. Making it basically indestructible compared to anything we had before. So now you have no worries putting twigs or other which could damage your Pollen Extraction filter.

Cleaning these new Pollen Extraction filters will be a breeze. Either with water or alcohol, depending on your usage & presto - clean. Some may even use their dish-washer & why not? It can handle it.

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